Giving to MC

Support Our Students

Make a Gift Online

Make a gift via credit card towards student scholarships, classroom teaching & learning, service opportunities, student activities, and athletic experiences.

Power Day
Join us in March when we hold Power Day our annual online day of giving.

Red Wrench Club
Gifts help to provide a variety of tools and equipment for our Auto Restoration shops.


Ways to Give

Current Giving Options

Outright Gift
An outright gift in the form of cash, check or credit card is the simplest and most common way of making a contribution to McPherson College.

Gifts of Securities and other Appreciated Property
Gifts of stock, bonds, certificates of deposit, real estate and other appreciated assets to McPherson College can be a tax-wise way of supporting the College. Certain financial and tax benefits may apply.

Deferred Giving Options

Life Income Gifts
Donors may transfer cash, securities and/or real estate to McPherson College with the understanding that they or their designated beneficiaries will receive income for life or a set number of years.

Life Insurance and Retirement Plan Assets
Donors may transfer life insurance policies to McPherson College as owner and beneficiary or name the College as the primary or secondary beneficiary under qualified retirement plans.

Testamentary Gifts
Donors may declare McPherson College as a beneficiary in the final distribution of their estate.

Planned Giving
Visit our planned giving site to learn about the many benefits of gift plans.


VP for Advancement

Erik Vogel
Phone: (620) 242-0435
Email: [email protected]

Advancement Officer

Dave Barrett
Phone: (620) 242-0442
Email: [email protected]


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